Topic-based group chat rooms
How to create topic-based meeting room
To create a new meeting room, click the hamburger button or right click any spot in the room list and choose "New Meeting Room". Give it a name and click "Create".
Once a new room is added, you will see it in the list of rooms on the left of the Virola's screen, in the "Meeting" section. By default you will be the only person added to the room and will become the room moderator.

How to manage meeting room participants

When you need to add or remove meeting room participants, right-click the room tab and select the option "Manage Meeting Room Users" from the room context menu. A dialogue box will open. Use "Search" field to find the needed user by username or display name, then click "Add" or "Remove" button.
The other way to remove the meeting room participant is to right-click their avatar in the room sidebar and choose "Remove from Meeting Room".
Note! Managing meeting room participants is available only for room moderators.
How to rename / delete a meeting room
If you need to rename or delete an existing meeting room, right-click the room tab and select either "Rename this Meeting Room" or "Delete Room" accordingly.
Note! Renaming / deleting group room is available only for room moderators.

How to use moderator role
As the room moderator, you can edit any message in the room and assign moderator role to other room participants.
To assign moderator role to the room participant, you need to right click the user avatar and choose "Enable 'Room Moderator' Role". To revoke moderator rights, right click the user avatar once again and choose "Disable 'Room Moderator' Role".